
Flame arresters designed to prevent the transmission of a deflagration fitted with one pipe connections on one side of the flame arrester element. They are static flame arrester measurable type to be thereby charcterised by that the quenching gaps of the flame arrester element can be technically drawn, measured and controlled. The integrated temperature sensor integrated by the manufacturer used to indicate a stabilized flame into the flame arrester.

Model 935 模型 935

Overpressure Valve

Model 935-E 模型 935E

Overpressure Valve

Model 936-E 模型 936E

UnderPressure Valve

Model 937-E 模型 937E

OverPressure and Underpressure Valves

Model 937-P 模型 937P

End of line Deflagration and Endurance Burning 阻火器

Model 942-E 模型 942EV

Emergency Vent Valve

Model 942-MW Emergency Vent Valve 模型 942MW

Emergency Vent Valve

Model 943 模型 943

UnderPressure Valve

Model 944 模型 944

Pressure and Vacuum Vent